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Learn about recent updates for the EFP program, other agri-environmental programs, and how EFP plays into agricultural markets.

Beneficial Management Practices

Maintaining a healthy environment is essential to the success of Alberta’s agricultural producers. Learn about BMPs that you can adopt on your farm to reduce environmental risk.


Brochures, fact sheets, reports developed by Alberta EFP.


Video tutorials to assist you through the entire process of the environmental farm plan.


Personal labour, farm equipment use can boost farmer CAFSP contribution

Alberta EFPFeb 13, 2006
Personal labour, farm equipment use can boost farmer CAFSP contribution February 13, 2006: Alberta farmers and ranchers wishing to access recently increased...

Deadline for environmental project funding fast approaching

Alberta EFPFeb 09, 2006
Deadline for environmental project funding fast approaching February 9, 2006: Alberta producers planning to apply for government funding to help cover the...

Environmental farm improvement funding now more accessible

Alberta EFPFeb 01, 2006
Environmental farm improvement funding now more accessible February 21, 2006: Nine new practices are now eligible as on-farm improvements funded by the...

Web site a growing resource for on-farm environmental information

Alberta EFPJan 31, 2006
Web site a growing resource for on-farm environmental information January 31, 2006: A recently revamped Web site offers Alberta’s agricultural producers leading...

New publication from Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company

Alberta EFPJan 16, 2006
New publication from Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company January 16, 2006: A new publication available free of charge to Alberta producers provides...

Environmental Farm Plan 4-H project launched in Alberta

Alberta EFPJan 12, 2006
Environmental Farm Plan 4-H project launched in Alberta January 12, 2006: The Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company (AEFP), which delivers environmental farm...

Five producers join Environmental Farm Plan facilitator network

Alberta EFPJan 04, 2006
Five producers join Environmental Farm Plan facilitator network January 4, 2006: Five more Alberta producers have joined the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan...

Stewardship funding program proves popular with producers

Alberta EFPNov 15, 2005
Stewardship funding program proves popular with producers November 15, 2005: The Canada-Alberta Farm Stewardship Program (CAFSP), which offers financial assistance to farmers...

New board, members at first Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company AGM

Alberta EFPNov 03, 2005
New board, members at first Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company AGM November 3, 2005: The Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company (AEFP), the...