Working Well Workshop- Clearwater County

Attend this FREE water well management workshop hosted by Clearwater County and presented by the Working Well Program with technical expertise provided by Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, Alberta Health Services and licensed water well drillers.

Do you own a farm, acreage or recreational property with a water well? Did you know that a poorly maintained water well can put your water supply at risk of contamination and reduce your well yield? Learn what you can do to protect your well.

If you use your water well for household purposes, the key to ensuring your water supply is safe and secure is knowing how groundwater works, learning about your well and understanding how to properly maintain it.

Proper water well siting, construction and maintenance will help protect your well from biofouling and contamination, save you costly repairs and ensure your well water yields are sustained over many years.

This is a comprehensive workshop and during the session the presenters will cover:

Understanding groundwater
How your well works
Finding and understanding your drilling report
How to "draw your well"
Water well problems
Top 10 well enemies
Shock chlorinating your well
Taking and testing water samples
Take home messages

This workshop starts promptly at 6:30 pm and goes to approx. 9:30 pm and includes a wealth of information, Q&A opportunities with presenters and take-home resources. Register today.